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Hotel Romance - Аccommodation

Double Room

Cozy room with beautiful park or pool views, suitable for up to two adults.


Двойна стая Делукс

Разширена двойна стая, с прекрасна гледка към парка или басейна. Подходяща е за настаняване на двама възрастни с две деца или трима възрастни с едно дете.


Superior Double Room

Extended double room with wonderful views of the park or pool. It is suitable for two adults with two children or three adults with one child.

Double Room without Balcony

Classic room without a balcony, overlooking the park or the pool, suitable for up to two adults. A baby cot can be provided upon prior request.


Единична стая

Класическа стая, подходяща за настаняване на максимум един възрастен. Детска кошара може да се предостави при предварителна заявка.

Единична стая2
Единична стая2

Single Room

Classic room suitable for up to one adult. A baby cot can be provided upon prior request.


Jute apartment with beautiful views of the park or pool, furnished in a classic style and warm colors. It is suitable for two adults with two children or three adults with one child.


ВИП Апартамент

Пищно обзаведен апартамент, с впечатляващ изглед към басейна и централната част на комплекса. Идеален за късните летни вечери , с прохлада и дъх на море с напитка в ръка, може да посрещнете залеза на лаундж терасата на апартамента.


VIP Apartment

Stunningly furnished apartment with impressive views of the pool and the central part of the complex. Ideal for late summer evenings, fresh & sea breath with a drink in hand, you can meet the sunset on the lounge terrace of the apartment.

Family Room Pool/Garden with Private Entrance

Nice and cozy room, suitable for couples or families with children up to 2 years old. The room is bright, furnished in warm colors. Located on ground floor with pool view and with its own entrance, without balcony


Фамилна стая градина - приземен етаж

Просторна и изключително комфортна стая, с прекрасна гледка към градината, обзаведена в топли цветове. Помещението е със собствен вход и се намира на приземен етаж, разполага с обзаведена тераса.


Family Room Garden View - Patio

Spacious and extremely comfortable room with lovely garden views, furnished in warm colors. The premise has its own entrance and is located on the ground floor, furnished terrace also.

Фамилно студио градина - приземен етаж5

Family studio with own entrance

Spacious and bright studio with wonderful view of the park, furnished in warm colors. Family studio garden is a good solution for families with 1,2 up to 3 children or friendly companies.

Accommodation Family Suites

Junior Suite

Located in the Family Suites building, a small, modernly decorated Junior Suite

Family Romance

Family Suites Sea/Garden view

Space and convenience of 64 m2, with a characteristic “marine interior” and a cozy atmosphere. All studios are individually decorated and have their own look.

Grand Family Suites

Light and feeling of a “Sea House”, individual interiors and decorations.

Family Romance
Book now

Saints Constantine and Helena,

Varna 9006

+359 52 385 400


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